13th April 2024 - Farringdon Detached v Darlington RA

 Good morning again everyone,

I was on refereeing duty this afternoon, so I spent the morning lazily sitting at my laptop looking up interesting news. Today’s subject - Pokemon!

Some of the possessions I had brought home with me involved my very old Pokemon games. Back when I was a kid I had spent a rather large amount of time playing all of these games, never quite collecting them all as I had no one to trade with. I was happy though, I love Pokemon. Even at the age of 36, I still love Pokemon.

Which is handy as I have just read online that Nintendo have just disabled the 3DS eStore, and it is no longer possible to transfer Pokemon from older generations unless you already have Pokemon Bank downloaded (which I don’t). I can see this will annoy a lot of people who wanted to transfer their old Pokemon into the newer games on the Switch, but to me this is a massive weight off my shoulders.

I kept hold of all of those games for years to see if Nintendo would come up with a way of making it super easy to move all my old Pokemon. I had no motivation to transfer them across each generation, playing mini games to collect Pokemon I had already spent countless hours collecting, and with me now having my own family I would never have had the time to start it.

But, now that there is an official cut off point, I can officially start my Pokemon collection again on the Nintendo Switch. My older games, which felt like a weight on my shoulders as I felt the need to keep them, can now go, and I can start collecting over a thousand Pokemon on modern devices.

I dug out my Nintendo Switch (made from parts from broken Nintendo Switch’s I had collected over the last few years), and put it on charge. This was it, my time to finally play Pokemon from a point where I can theoretically collect them all.

Even better, a couple of years ago my sister got me the game Pokemon Sword for Christmas. I didn’t want to play it at the time as I could feel my older GBA, DS and 3DS games looking at me, putting pressure on me to attempt to complete them, but that pressure is no more. I will finally start Sword and enjoy it.

If you would like I will keep a record of how my adventure in the world of Pokemon is going as part of this blog.

Whilst I had the Switch on charge I had a pressing engagement to deal with - my next football match to referee.

Today I was refereeing in the Wearside League Premier Division, with Farringdon Detached FC versus Darlington RA. I cannot comment on the game itself, but I felt my own performance was good. I had been maintaining my fitness all season, and I was running around, keeping up with play, and making decisions when I was required to. It was a nice run around, and we managed to dodge the rain forecasted too, so all in all it was a lovely afternoon.

Returning home I stopped off to get some bread and sandwich fillings for next week. I have really enjoyed my 2-week break from school work, but on Monday it is time to head back to work and earn a living.

And upon returning home I had a shower, admired the still clean kitchen, and made Toad in the Hole for tea. I then very deliberately did very little for the rest of day, spending the evening watching football highlights on TV and eating sweets.


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